reader的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到附近那裡買和營業時間的推薦產品

reader的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Heinaman, Robert (EDT)寫的 Essays on Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics 和Cox, Annabelle的 Ada Lovelace: The World’s First Computer Programmer都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立陽明交通大學 材料科學與工程學系所 曾院介所指導 周宜婷的 開發卵巢癌生物標記檢測之 ELISA整合異常霍爾效應的生物磁性感測器 (2021),提出 reader關鍵因素是什麼,來自於異常霍爾效應、卵巢癌、生物磁性感測器。

而第二篇論文國立陽明交通大學 資訊科學與工程研究所 許騰尹所指導 王靖的 採用CUDA圖型處理器平行化改良5G軟體基地台之隨機存取通道流程 (2021),提出因為有 隨機存取通道、統一計算架構、圖型處理器、第五代行動通訊新無線標準、軟體基地台的重點而找出了 reader的解答。


除了 reader,大家也想知道這些:

Essays on Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics

為了解決 reader的問題,作者Heinaman, Robert (EDT) 這樣論述:

Two major works on ethics have come down to us under Aristotle's name, the Nicomachean Ethics and the Eudemian Ethics, but, quite unjustifiably, the Eudemian Ethics has been largely neglected by students of ancient philosophy. This important collection of essays from the sixth Keeling colloquium on

ancient philosophy tries to rectify this one-sided approach to Aristotle's ethics by focusing on the positions and arguments of the Eudemian Ethics. As the essays demonstrate, Aristotle's views in the Eudemian Ethics frequently differ in interesting and surprising ways from those found in the Nicoma

chean Ethics and deserve study for their own sake, not merely for purposes of comparison with the Nicomachean Ethics. The contributors include some of the best known Aristotle scholars of the present day. Christopher Rowe and Jennifer Whiting investigate the Eudemian Ethics' account of friendship (p

hilia) while M.M. McCabe examines the closely related issue of self-knowledge in EE VII.12. Stephen White analyzes the Eudemian Ethics' account of eudaimonia, David Charles focuses on voluntary action, and Friedemann Buddensiek investigates Aristotle's difficult discussion of good fortune (eutuchia)

in EE VIII.2. The volume also contains critical discussions of these papers provided by commentators, who, along with Whiting and McCabe, include Julia Annas and Sarah Broadie. Dr Robert Heinaman, Reader in Philosophy, University College London, UK


開發卵巢癌生物標記檢測之 ELISA整合異常霍爾效應的生物磁性感測器

為了解決 reader的問題,作者周宜婷 這樣論述:



Ada Lovelace: The World’s First Computer Programmer

為了解決 reader的問題,作者Cox, Annabelle 這樣論述:

While much has been written about the 'father of computers' Charles Babbage and Alan Turing, the pioneer of computer science, many trailblazing female computer programmers have slipped beneath the radar. One of these is Ada Lovelace. A Countess and daughter of the infamous Lord Byron, Lovelace co

uld have lived a very comfortable if unremarkable life, but instead she became a renowned mathematician and writer. She is chiefly known for her work with Charles Babbage, the aforementioned 'father of computers'. But it was actually Ada and not Babbage who was the first person to recognize that the

machine had applications beyond pure calculation. She created the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine and, as a result, she is regarded as the world's very first computer programmer. Her life is fascinating, taking in social and educational exploits with the leading scienti

sts and writers of her day, including Charles Dickens. This new biography seeks to acquaint the reader with all the various milestones of an inspiring life and career.Ada Lovelace is increasingly becoming recognized as a true icon for women in technology. With girls and young women being encouraged

ever more into the fields of mathematics, technology and science (fields previously dominated by men), women such as Ada are incredibly powerful figureheads with influential legacies. Her story is an inspiration to anyone seeking to break new ground in their chosen field.


為了解決 reader的問題,作者王靖 這樣論述:

隨著5G逐漸於全球開始商轉,越來越多企業發現其中商機並相繼開發相關應用與服務,例如:無人機、物聯網、邊緣運算等,然而這些應用都需要基地台為其傳遞訊號才能正確運作,因此基地台本身的穩定與效能將是這一切的基礎。本論文即提出一改善方法以提升原基地台本身之運算效率使其能夠更穩定的提供服務。無線行動網路近年快速發展,於是有軟體化基地台(Software-defined Radio, SDR)的概念被提出並運行提供服務,此概念即透過編寫軟體程式提供傳統基地台之服務,以應付行動網路技術規格之快速發展與變遷。本論文在此基礎之上針對基地台中提供使用者註冊接入網路與使用者裝置同步服務的隨機存取通道(Random

Access Channel, RACH)流程,討論其傳統實作方法並提出一改善效率之方法與流程架構。本論文將研究使用圖型處理器(Graphics Processing Unit, GPU)加速平行RACH 流程上的運算,並修改運算流程與方法使之更適合運行於GPU。透過本論文提出的架構設計,基地台的模擬測試運算執行時間可調降至大約原本的10%~50%。本論文的架構亦提供彈性化設計,因此可一次處理多基地台接收之訊號,且由於本研究將所有運算拆開至不同運算單元上平行運算,所以即使需要處理的訊號增加,總處理時間也不會有太大的差異。藉此研究,軟體基地台運行時將能有更多閒餘的效能維持整體性之效能與穩定或是
