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Lofty studio的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦鍛治恵,カミムラ晋作寫的 告別隱性失眠的超熟睡祕訣 和Lindsay, D. Michael的 Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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為了解決Lofty studio的問題,作者鍛治恵,カミムラ晋作 這樣論述:

  睡過頭、粗心犯錯、忘東忘西……   在出版社當編輯的翠夏,不知為何這陣子總是事倍功半。   此時,她碰巧遇見大學時的學妹杏子,告訴她「睡得不好」是導致這一切失常的原因。   「要不要讓我——來輔導妳的睡眠呢?」   究竟,使翠夏重回最佳狀態的   「起床時神清氣爽的超熟睡祕訣」是——?   我們的人生有約三分之一是在睡夢中度過的。   換言之,如果我們對睡眠的質與量漠不關心,豈不意味著我們隨意浪擲了三分之一的人生?   不過,即便很多人都能體會睡眠有多重要,卻多半沒有採取具體的應變方法,來求取更好的睡眠品質。   一項對日本全國20歲到79歲間,約8千名男女進行的調

查顯示,失眠的嚴重程度與日常表現水準的滑落程度有等比增減的傾向。這項調查顯示,「可能罹患失眠症」的族群,他們白天的表現水準都降低了三成以上。   每4人就有1人有失眠困擾,情況遠比想像嚴重!   根據日本睡眠醫學協會的調查顯示,失眠人口正逐年攀升,大約每4人就有1人有睡眠方面的困擾。   然而,其中最大的問題在於,絕大多數的人都不自覺自己已經罹患了失眠症,成為一種「隱性失眠」的社會問題。   這些人對於自己的狀況毫不知情,在工作上、生活上等各種場面陷入原因不明的低潮期,甚至會被周遭的人草草斷定是「好吃懶做」、「不求上進」,貼上負面的標籤。   其實,他們只是在睡眠方面出現了問題,只要稍加修正

就能恢復正常的狀態!   為什麼睡滿8小時還是疲憊不堪?   其實,「好的睡眠=睡眠時間」是個錯誤的觀念!   良好睡眠的關鍵在於,睡眠的「量」與「質」的平衡。   我們普遍認為睡覺要睡滿8小時才好,但其實這樣的說法是個天大的誤會。   一個人該睡幾個小時才夠是因人而異的,更何況,假若睡眠品質不佳,那麼就算我們睡得再怎麼久,疲憊感都不會消失的。   「睡得好」能讓人早上起床時神清氣爽,渾身感受不到一絲一毫的倦怠與疲憊,而這樣的睡眠品質絕不是取決於睡眠時間的長短。   本書將以隨時會發生在日常生活中的生動故事,   帶你擺脫各種關於「睡眠」的煩惱。   改變睡眠就能改變人生!   讓漫畫教你

「安眠」的法則。 本書特色   ・「早上爬不起來!」「不論睡多久還是好累…」「真想好好睡一覺!」   本書獻給不滿意目前睡眠情況的每個人——   明天起就能立刻實踐,超有說服力的科學性策略!   ・以漫畫搭配專欄的方式,輕鬆生動、深入淺出地介紹良好睡眠所需具備的要件,   搭捷運時能看,午休時能看,上廁所時也能反覆溫習,   讓你化知識為行動,化行動為習慣!

Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite

為了解決Lofty studio的問題,作者Lindsay, D. Michael 這樣論述:

Evangelicals, once at the periphery of American life, now wield power in the White House and on Wall Street, at Harvard and in Hollywood. How have they reached the pinnacles of power in such a short time? And what does this mean for evangelicals--and for America? Drawing on personal interviews with

an astonishing array of prominent Americans--including two former Presidents, dozens of political and government leaders, more than 100 top business executives, plus Hollywood moguls, intellectuals, athletes, and other powerful figures--D. Michael Lindsay shows first-hand how they are bringing their

vision of moral leadership into the public square. This riveting volume tells us who the real evangelical power brokers are, how they rose to prominence, and what they're doing with their clout. Lindsay reveals that evangelicals are now at home in the executive suite and on the studio lot, and from

those lofty perches they have used their influence, money, and ideas to build up the evangelical movement and introduce it to wider American society. They are leaders of powerful institutions and their goals are ambitious--to bring Christian principles to bear on virtually every aspect of American

life. Along the way, the book is packed with fascinating stories and striking insights. Lindsay shows how evangelicals became a force in American foreign policy, how Fortune 500 companies are becoming faith-friendly, and how the new generation of the faithful is led by "cosmopolitan evangelicals." T

hese are well-educated men and women who read both The New York Times and Christianity Today, and who are wary of the evangelical masses' penchant for polarizing rhetoric, apocalyptic pot-boilers, and bad Christian rock. Perhaps most startling is the importance of personal relationships between lead

ers--a quiet conversation after Bible study can have more impact than thousands of people marching in the streets. Faith in the Halls of Power takes us inside the rarified world of the evangelical elite--beyond the hysterical panic and chest-thumping pride--to give us the real story behind the evang

elical ascendancy in America. "This important work should be required reading for anyone who wants to opine publicly on what American evangelicals are really up to." --Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) "For people wanting an understanding of how evangelicals have acquired so much power, money, and

influence in the past 30 years, this is the ultimate insider's book." --Sojourners Magazine "Anybody who wants to understand the nexus between God and power in modern America should start here."--The Economist "Fascinating." --John Schmalzbauer, Wall Street Journal D. Michael Lindsay is President

of Gordon College. He is the author of two books, both with George Gallup, Jr., and has written many scholarly and popular essays. He has received several awards for his writing, teaching, and speaking and writes a regular column for Rev! magazine.